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White Night: Review

The word “great” is suitable for very few things. Great Egyptian pyramids. Great scientist of the twentieth century. Great depression. What to do if you were deprived of work, livelihood, hope and faith in tomorrow? Net in the bar before the loss of memory. And then go home on a deserted road. The main thing is not to be shot down by anyone. After all, a woman can jump out onto a deserted night. Your car will fly away to the ditch. You will begin to bleed, and the only place where you can find help is a mysterious mansion nearby. And if it turns out to be clogged to the top with ghosts? Or someone worse?

Night, cemetery, lantern and matches

The thirties of the twentieth century in the USA – the setting is very stylish, almost everyone familiar and at the same time uninhabited. Its main advantage is in a unique atmosphere, where jazz parties and total despair can be adjacent. How to show it in black and white colors, we were taught by the “city of sins”. And that’s what White Night uses a fullest coil, so this is the chosen era.

Faceless man in a cloak and hat is locked in the house. There is still a warm rocking chair on the threshold, inside there is an aggressive ghost of the old woman and the bright spirit of the young singer. Further action will unfold in the house, and the house, of course, hides some story. It intertwines the fate of several people, with their problems and beliefs.

It’s good or bad, but you will not see these stories “on stage”: you will have to read notes scattered across the mansion and newspaper clippings. In a huge, just nightmare, written in good literary English, they are scattered throughout the house. For each of the five heroes of this terrible fairy tale, up to 25 magazine records are stored, without which what is happening is decisively impossible.

A man in a hat is trying to get out of the residence, along the way, maybe providing all possible assistance to the only bright image in the house – the young singer. Again – to understand who she is, it is possible only by her personal diary. The hero will follow the spirit, help, ask questions. And of course, in a gloomy voice to mutter monologues familiar to any noir detective: “Until tomorrow morning, survival is for me – work at full rate”.

Each room in the house, meanwhile, can tell a lot of additional information. You will have to inspect everything that caught my eye: portraits, bloody traces on the floor, children’s drawings, an abundance of religious symbols, African totems and even coffins lying right in the middle of the corridors. The interiors are made masterfully – each room is thought out and tells its own piece of history.

The riches of the mansion are enough for the whole game. Some rooms are perfectly clean, others are destroyed. The corridors are barricaded, and any electrical sources of light hastily placed here and there, like artillery, ready for battle. It quickly becomes clear that the former tenant (or he is still in the house?) used to resist evil spirits.

This is all because I’m black and white?!

The unfortunate traveler, as soon as the door closed behind him, quickly begins to understand what he got into. Black and white color scheme divides the world into two states: lit. Everything in the dusk is invisible and deadly. Everything near the lamps is safe. Therefore, the main weapon and the only resource of the hero are 12 matches lying in his pocket. Only by lighting one of them, he can calmly walk along the corridors, inspect the environment and look for a way to advance further.

Entering the room, you begin to frantically look for a switch, and most likely it will not work. First stick the fork into the outlet, then fix the wire, then find the light bulb. Light here never gets just. After all, if the darkness can be dispersed by matches scattered here and there, then the real ghost is only afraid of electricity.

If not for the icon that appears in the upper right corner, it would be impossible to distinguish interactive elements.

Finding a monster is not difficult: gray spots on a black background stand out quite clearly. The main thing is not to rush. Static camera reminds of the first parts Resident Evil. It is less inventive, takes quite simple angles, but still greatly limits the review. And if you relax, run along the corridor, then around the corner you will certainly bury in the ghost, which you can only run away from the next room. But on the run, matches go out many times faster. The first couple of times such meetings are strained, sometimes scared by “scummers”, but it still cannot be called a terrible or tense game.

Interact with enemies will have


to be often. Sometimes they walk, sometimes just sit and guard certain points – you need to guess how to drive away the creature away. Puzzles, as a rule, are quite simple, but not intuitive: you will have to get stuck for a short time. Basically, in order to rush to five to eight accessible rooms and guess what can be brought, and which part of the wiring should be turned on right now.

Of course, you can persist only in strictly designated places – on the chairs marked with the sign of the sun. And it’s good when it is a chair right under an electric lamp. If there is no lamp, then be kind first to set fire to a candle standing nearby, spending a precious match.

Sometimes hallucinations and mysticism prevail – we move to the surreal world created from scraps of characters’ biographies (humble yourself: not read notes). A sleepy, measured game process is diluted with an arcade: you need to run between illuminated coffee tables, break through a dining room, clogged to the top with copies of the same spirit, to escape, trying to maneuver in absolute darkness. The arcade element, however, is made unsuccessfully – death overtakes from the first blow, and management is not too adapted to the action.

As soon as the game tries to go beyond the facet of conditional contours, the quality of the models begins to catch the eye.

The authors wanted to make a tense Survival with puzzles in the best traditions of classic adventures like the early Alone in the Dark. Unfortunately, the game does not scare and does not keep in tension. Matches appear randomly and do not end until the finale, and therefore slightly limit the freedom of movement. Finally, not too clear puzzles often force to get stuck in one place, which is great tired.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the terrible story told in the game is very good and multifaceted, at least one storyline should hook each. The stylistics works (even if we have already seen the best use of black and white), and endless reading fits into the artistic concept and does not look like the laziness of the developer. It turned out a very controversial product, which should be recommended primarily to those who want a good story and are ready to endure a not too successful game.

Pros: a plot organically woven in an era;separate successful episodes;Careful study of the scenery.
Cons: inconvenient management;lack of stress;Summary quest element.

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